Study Title: Understanding photo-editing behaviors: motivations behind the screen
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: ~25 minutes
Research credits: 4 credits
Brief Description: You are invited to participate in a research study about the motivations behind college student’s use of photo-editing tools. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a measurement that captures these motivations, and to explore the relationships between individual characteristics, and the behaviors of photo-posting and photo-taking. If you are at least 18 years and enrolled as a student at Colorado Mesa University, you qualify for this study.
Study Title: Maladaptive Daydreaming and Coping Mechanisms
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: 15-20 minutes
Research credits: 4 credits
Brief Description: The purpose of the project is to examine the relationship between the psychological construct of maladaptive daydreaming (a term referring to daydreaming that has led to significant impact on various aspects of an individual’s life) and coping mechanisms (a term relating to the strategies an individual utilizes in order to deal with stressful or uncomfortable situations and psychological states).
Study Title: Effects of Gender and Information Dissemination on Preconception Health Knowledge, Self-Perception, and Behavior Change Among College Students
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: ~15 minutes
Research credits: 3 credits
Brief Description: The study aims to shed light on the influence of gender and information dissemination on knowledge, self-perception, and willingness to take action related to preconception health among college students. You need to be at least 18 years of age or younger than 71 years of age to participate in this study.
Study Title: The Power of Purpose: How a Sense of Life Purpose Influences Academic Achievement and Well-Being
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: 10 ~15 minutes
Research credits: 3 credits
Brief Description: The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation Purpose has in academic and college success in students who feel they have purpose compared to those who feel as they do not during their college experience. Students 18+ years of age are invited to participate.
Study Title: Shifting Baseline Within Social Contexts
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: ~25 minutes
Research credits: 4 credits
Brief Description: Our research investigates how views around a variety of social issues may vary across different generations. This will count towards your required research participation within your psychology course (earning 4 credits) with your participation expected to take approximately 25 minutes. To participate in this study, participants must be at least 18 years of age.
Study Title: Rite of Passage Rituals’ Impact on Social Identity Development
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: ~25 minutes
Research credits: 4 credits
Brief Description: Our research investigates the relationship between childhood & adolescent experiences and social identity. This will count towards your required research participation within your psychology course (earning 4 credits) with your participation expected to take approximately 25 minutes. To participate in this study, participants must be at least 18 years of age.
Study Title: The Story of David and Jane: A Study on Love Beliefs and Behaviors
Study Link:
Study Format: Online Survey
Estimated Time Cost: ~25 minutes
Research credits: 4 credits
Brief Description: Our research investigates the nature of love beliefs and behaviors. This will count towards your required research participation within your psychology course (earning 4 credits) with your participation expected to take approximately 25 minutes. To participate in this study, participants must be at least 18 years of age.