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The Tomlinson Library Acquisitions Department orders and receives all materials for the library. The Acquisitions staff works in close conjunction with the faculty and the library liaisons to select, order, and report new materials that are requested, order and monitor periodical titles, and process all gift materials.

How do I recommend a title to be added to the library collection?

  • Sign a Choice Book Review card.
  • Send an advertisement or publishers' catalog through campus mail to Acquisitions, Library. These items can be returned to you if so indicated. Be sure to clearly indicate the item and mark with your initials.
  • Email the information to the Acquisitions Department. Include as much information as you have.

What are Choice cards?

The library subscribes to book reviews on cards from the journal, Choice, Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. These cards are sent to the departments for review and may be recommended for addition to the collection by simply initialing or signing the card and returning it to the Acquisitions Department. Choice book reviews are also available online and may be used to initiate requests.

What happens to my order after it is submitted to the library?

  • The title is checked in the online catalog to verify that we do not already own the title.
  • The title is checked against the on-order file to verify that it is not already on order.
  • The request is forwarded to the library's liaison for that subject area for approval.
  • An order is placed with either the publisher or one of our vendors.
  • When the title is received, it is checked in and sent to Technical Services to be cataloged and processed.
  • The item is sent to Checkout & Reserves to be shelved.

How can I find out if a title is available for use?

Check the Library Catalog or our New Books List each month to see if your title has been received and processed.

How long does it take to receive and process book orders?

Material is generally available for use within one or two months. We continue to try to purchase hard-to-find titles for an additional ten months. After a book is received, processing takes approximately one to two days. Rush orders may be processed more quickly if needed. If you need RUSH processing for an order, please be certain to indicate this when you submit the request.

Why does the library have cutoff dates for ordering?

The library generally orders most materials between October and April of each fiscal year. A cutoff date of March 15 of each year allows us to prepare, order, and receive most materials before the end of each fiscal year. Orders can be submitted after that date, but may be held for ordering in the next fiscal year, depending upon the budget. The library encourages year-round ordering so requests can be processed and ordered as funding is available.

How do I contact the Acquisitions Department Staff?

If you have any questions, please contact the Acquisitions Librarian.

Who is my Library Liaison and how do I contact him/her?

View our list of Subject Librarians - Departmental Liaisons. Please contact your liaison if you have questions concerning collection development.

What do I do if I wish to donate materials to the library?

The Library gratefully accepts donations to the collection. View Donation Information and our Donation Form. Your donations are tax deductible. We will acknowledge receipt of your gift with a letter describing the number and type of items that you donated; however, the library cannot provide valuations of your gift. We reserve the right to retain or discard items in accordance with the Library's Collection Development Policy.