Colorado Mesa University's Forensic Investigation Research Station (CMU-FIRS)
The Forensic Investigation Research Station (FIRS) is an outdoor research facility focused on the study of rate, pattern, and trajectory of human decomposition in two of Colorado's unique environments.
High-elevation arid environment, Grand Junction, CO: The primary research facility is located in Grand Junction Colorado, 4,780 feet above mean sea level. The outdoor facility is supported by a forensic osteology laboratory, teaching laboratory, and autopsy suite. Student interns pursuing careers in forensic anthropology, the forensic sciences, and various fields of law enforcement staff our facility.
High-altitude Rocky Mountain region, Fairplay CO: With the support of the Park County Coroner's office, FIRS acquired forty acres of land in the high-altitude Rocky Mountains 10,000 feet above mean sea level for the study of human decomposition at high-altitude.
The human donors that support our research have opted into our program knowing that they will participate in outdoor decomposition studies. It is through their gift and dedication to the forensic sciences that we are able to perform research, educate students, train members of the medicolegal community, collaborate with forensic scientists, and participate in multidisciplinary research.
We are deeply grateful to our donors and their families for understanding our vision and participating in our research. This would not be possible without their gift.
Mission Statement
The Forensic Investigation Research Station (FIRS) conducts human decomposition research in two of Colorado's unique environments. The high-elevation arid and high-altitude Rocky Mountain environments are unique to our facility and offer exciting opportunities for research, education, and training. We educate and train students, law enforcement, and members of the medicolegal community. We provide community service through educational outreach to local high school students, and sharing research and expertise with law enforcement, lawyers, coroners, medical examiner's offices, and other interested parties.
Additionally, we provide forensic anthropology field and laboratory support services to Colorado coroners and local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
FIRS Human Donation Program
Central to the FIRS mission is the body donation program. Research at FIRS would not be possible without the support of donors and their families. Donors come to our facility by pre-arrangement or through donation by next-of-kin. Living donors have made pre-arrangements to come to our facility upon their death, while next-of-kin donations are made with respect to the decedent's final wishes. We are honored to be a part of their end of life plans and are humbled by their dedication to the forensic sciences.